We Finally Did it! We Launched The Prokope Akademy

Hey there, fellow digital nomads and partners! Today, I want to take you on a little journey, a story of how we started something special. It's not about bragging or overachieving, but about the real, meaningful impact we're making. So grab a comfy seat, and let's dive in!

Alessandro Pedrini

Two Years Ago: The Vision Takes Shape

Picture this: It's two years ago, and I'm feeling a bit like you, just a traveler in Southeast Asia, seeking meaning beyond the usual tourist trails. That's when the idea hit me: why not create a branding and marketing agency where part of the profits could help build an education network connecting digital nomads with local high schools?

Connecting the Dots: Students, Schools, and Nomads

Three things struck me during my travels. First, young students everywhere hunger for knowledge. Second, most local schools lacked access to international teachers and digital know-how. And third, digital nomads, despite their wanderlust, often felt lonely and disconnected from the local communities they passed through. That's where the Prokope Akademy comes into play.

connecting the 3 dots

We set out to build a network of digital nomads in Southeast Asia and connect them with local high schools. Our goal? To share expertise in digital marketing, branding, and entrepreneurship. By empowering students with these skills, they could not only support their communities but also set the stage for future careers in the digital sector.

The Launch: A Journey Begins

Fast forward to a pivotal moment: I'm in Cimajia, West Java, Indonesia, and I'm determined to launch the first edition of the Prokope Akademy. There's just one problem—I have zero connections with any school or anyone in the area.

But here's the beauty of travel; you meet people who can change your course. I got in touch with a driver who helped me reach out to one of the local high school PE teachers. A few days later, I found myself sitting with the vice principal, discussing what I could teach these eager young minds.

Meeting the principal

The Unexpected Warm Welcome

To my amazement, everything he said sounded like music to my ears. "When can we start?" he asked enthusiastically. Five days later, we had our first class. The vice principal went above and beyond by personally picking me up, and the school even surprised me with a banner—a warm, unexpected welcome.

The Hiccups and the Hunger for Knowledge

Of course, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Communication with the kids was challenging due to the language barrier. Google Translate became our trusty sidekick. Internet troubles added to the mix, forcing us to adapt on the fly.

Despite these hiccups, something beautiful was unfolding. These students were voracious learners. When we introduced them to Canva, they didn't want step-by-step instructions. No, they wanted to dive in and experiment, to discover what this tool could do. It was inspiring to see their hunger for knowledge in action.

The Impact Takes Shape

Over three classes, we covered branding, Canva, and collaborative work. The students showed remarkable growth in using collaborative tools, working together seamlessly on projects—a skill they'd likely never used before.

At the end of it all, there was a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. The students were happy, the teachers were thrilled, and we had impromptu photoshoots capturing the joy of the experience. It wasn't just about teaching; it was about building connections and making a real impact.

The Bigger Picture: Scaling Up

Here's the exciting part: this is just the beginning. With your help, we can grow this initiative. Imagine if ten different digital nomads run courses simultaneously every month. That's 250 students reached and impacted every month—a truly amazing prospect!

Join the Journey

If you're a digital nomad, someone who wants to lend a hand, or just curious to learn more about our initiative, reach out to us. Follow us for more stories like this, where students apply digital skills to support their local communities.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to our clients and sponsors — Homebase, FansWiFi, TMax, TMG, PeerSphere and Cappelletti Rosanelli Dental Clinic. Your support made this journey possible.

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